Reasonable Quotes

Text Quotes
What the market is doing is going through a correction, which it really needed. It’s getting down to where it’s reasonable. (Reasonable Quotes)
I was not an outstanding student. I did a reasonable amount of work. I got generally good - pretty good grades, but I was not that passionate about getting straight A’s. (Reasonable Quotes)
I went into politics thinking that, if I made arguments in good faith, I’d get a hearing. It’s a reasonable assumption, but it’s wrong. In five and a half years in politics up north, no one really bothered to criticize my ideas, such as they were. It was never my message that was the issue. It was always the messenger. (Reasonable Quotes)
What do you conceive God to be like? Some would say to believe at all in a personal God requires a giant leap of faith - but I am convinced that belief in God is a far more reasonable position than atheism. Nature, the personal experience of literally billions of people, and something innate in the heart of man all testify to the existence of God. (Reasonable Quotes)
Internet porn makes everything more reasonable -- once you’ve realized there is a massive subculture of upwardly mobile people who think it’s erotic to see an Asian woman giving a hand job to a javelina, nothing else in the world seems crazy. (Reasonable Quotes)
I set another goal ... a reasonable, manageable goal that I could realistically achieve if I worked hard enough. I approached everything step by step. (Reasonable Quotes)
Who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image, but thee who destroys a good book, kills reason its self. (Reasonable Quotes)
There are differences in the businesses themselves, but the fundamentals are the same: give customers a good experience, charge them a reasonable price, listen to them, and treat them with respect. (Reasonable Quotes)
All other swindlers upon earth are nothing to the self-swindlers, and with such pretences did I cheat myself. Surely a curious thing. That I should innocently take a bad half-crown of somebody else’s manufacture, is reasonable enough; but that I should knowingly reckon the spurious coin of my own make, as good money! (Reasonable Quotes)
It’s good to be around people who see [photography] as a reasonable enterprise when everyone in the neighborhood may think it’s ridiculous. (On the benefit of teaching photography) (Reasonable Quotes)
I hope...that mankind will at length, as they call themselves reasonable creatures, have reason and sense enough to settle their differences without cutting throats; for in my opinion there never was a good war, or a bad peace. (Reasonable Quotes)
There is no greater evil one can suffer than to hate reasonable discourse (Reasonable Quotes)
We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people’s traditions. (Reasonable Quotes)
The inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind. (Reasonable Quotes)
The happiest time in a man’s life is when he is in the red hot pursuit of a dollar with a reasonable prospect of overtaking it. (Reasonable Quotes)
When I auditioned for drama college, they asked me to do my Shakespeare. I couldn’t do it. They asked me to do my modern, and I couldn’t do it. They asked me if I had a song prepared, and I said ‘No,’ so I sang ‘Happy Birthday.’ And I did a reasonable improvisation, a reasonable one, nothing special at all. I don’t know how I got in, but I did. (Reasonable Quotes)
Any objective look at what science has to say about climate change ought to be sufficient to persuade reasonable people that the climate is changing and that humans are responsible for a substantial part of that - and that these changes are doing harm and will continue to do more harm unless we start to reduce our emissions. (Reasonable Quotes)
One of my psychoses is that I feel like I can do anything. Actually, I believe anybody can do and make anything, even things that don’t exist. The making isn’t the hard part; it’s having faith. If you do only reasonable things, you’ll never start your own business. (Reasonable Quotes)
A healthy economy is largely a result of a reasonable balance between consumption today and consumption deferred, and it’s pretty clear that balance has been ridiculously out of whack for a while. (Reasonable Quotes)
But maybe that isn’t possible. Maybe the mind of the majority is always the healthy mind, simply by virtue of its numbers. Maybe it’s the definition of madness to believe I’m right and everyone else if wrong, to find my thoughts rational and reasonable when almost the entire world finds them damaged and flawed. (Reasonable Quotes)
The message of ‘Zomb-B’ is that you have to listen to your own heart and head and question everything. Question stereotypes and the way the world seems or is being presented. Some of the people we should be most concerned about, dangerous right-wing bigots, sound convincing and reasonable. (Reasonable Quotes)
It’s easier to write about heartbreak after you’ve had your heart broken. You have more material to draw from, you can extrapolate from your own experiences and make reasonable assumptions about how your characters would feel and act. (Reasonable Quotes)
What the heart most wants, the mind finds reasonable, the will finds doable, and the emotions find desirable. (Reasonable Quotes)